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Parish Council Meetings and paperwork
Meetings The Parish Council meets on a monthly basis, usually on the third Monday of the month, at the Burton Green Village Hall. These meetings start at 7.30pm, although occasionally they may start earlier, check the Agenda for details. No meetings take place in the month of August or December.
The Parish Council welcomes residents to Parish Council meetings, where there is an allocated time for ‘public participation’ which enables residents to speak at Council meetings. As a general rule, all Parish Council meetings (including Committees) are open to the press and public. However, from time to time, confidential items may be discussed in which case the press and members of the public are excluded in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Agendas and Minutes Agendas and Minutes may be viewed on this website or on the three Parish Council noticeboards on Cromwell Lane (next to the bus shelter), at the entrance to Burrow Hill car park off Hob Lane, and at the Red Lane play area. Click here for the Agendas and Minutes of the Planning Committee. Click here for the Agendas and Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.