Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey. We received 271 responses, 94% of respondents supported the proposal that the land south of Westwood Health Road be returned to Green Belt designation. To sign the online petition please click here.
The new Local Plan for South Warwickshire could have a major impact on everyone living in Burton Green. District Councils are under severe pressure from the new Labour government to make large areas of agricultural land available to developers, for extra housing. Burton Green is surrounded by Green Belt land, which serves to protect smaller communities from urban sprawl, however, the new Local Plan may seek to reduce this protection.
Land south of Westwood Heath Road was removed from Green Belt (in error) when the last Local Plan was made. It is currently “safeguarded” i.e. ear-marked for future development. The Parish Council is considering presenting a detailed case for restoring this land to Green Belt and we need to know if you support this (or not). Please click here to view the Council's Submission of Evidence document.