If you wish to obtain information about the Council which is not routinely published, and which falls within the general right of access under the Freedom of Information Act, you should write to the Town Clerk, or send an e-mail. You must include your contact details and sufficient detail to enable the Council to identify the information requested. Depending on the amount of information requested, a charge may be made. You should be aware that the Council is legally entitled to withhold certain information. For more information please see the Council's Subject Access Request Procedure.
Further Information: The following publications produced by the National Association of Local Councils provide further information, and there is also a range of information on their website (www.nalc.gov.uk). All About Local Councils – Download A booklet for anyone wanting to know more about parish, town, neighbourhood and community councils and the role of local councillors. Good Councillor Guide – Download This is a training resource aimed at local councillors, but is also a helpful resource to anyone wanting to know more about the work of a councillor or thinking of becoming one. Local Councils Charter – Download A Charter between all local parish and town councils within Warwickshire through the Warwickshire and West Midlands Association of Local Councils (WALC), the Principal Councils, the County Council and four District Councils in Warwickshire which have parishes. It sets out how they aim to work together for the benefit of the local people. It Takes All Sorts – Download A booklet highlighting the difference you can make by representing your community on your local council. It explains the role of local councils and local councillors and tells you how you can get involved. The booklet also features the thoughts of current councillors from around the country explaining a little about why they represent their communities. It makes it clear that people from all backgrounds and walks of life have made the journey to becoming a local councillor, and that so can you. You may find this document useful if you are considering standing for your local council or if you are curious about the role of local councils and local councillors. Pointers to Good Practice – Download A joint NALC/Commission for Rural Communities publication this guide book identifies good practice for local councils. The guide covers five main topic headings; Involving people and strengthening the community; Working on practical projects with local support; Co-operating with others; Influencing decisions that affect the community; and Building change that lasts. What is Big Society – Download Features a series of essays by parliamentarians and other key thinkers on the concept of Big Society and the practical implications for localism Localism Booklet – What is Localism – Download A pamphlet in which parliamentarians share their thoughts on Localism and what it means to local councils. Localism in Practice 1 – Download | Localism 2 – Download | Localism 3 – Download A set of three pamphlets giving examples on how local councils are delivering for people and communities and what localism and the Big Society mean in practice ; looks at economy and recession, climate change and sustainability, digital inclusion and engagement, housing, young people, crime and safety and innovative practice.