We always welcome your feedback and comments. Just get in touch. call: 01926 754030 or Email Us
Planning Applications
The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7:15pm in the Tacon Room at the village hall, please find the agenda below: Agenda - BGPC Planning Committee 11th February 2025 For further information about any of the applications, log onto the WDC Planning portal to see the application in full and/or contact the relevant Planning Officer identified in the consultation.
Burton Green Parish Council is consulted for both outline and full planning applications, Listed Building applications and applications for advertisement consent within the Parish, as appropriate. The authority making the planning decision, either the District or County Council, is obliged to notify Burton Green Parish Council, who are invited to comment if desired.
The planning applications are considered by the Planning Committee which has delegated powers to make decisions on behalf of the Council. The Committee meets when necessary to meet the deadline for submission of comments set by the Planning Authority. Burton Green Planning Committee Terms of Reference
The Planning Committee meetings are held in the Village Hall on Red Lane and members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend. Each meeting will have a Public Participation session, although issues raised by the Public during this session will be limited to only those items listed on the meeting agenda. The agenda for the meetings will be posted on the Council's website and noticeboards at least 3 working days before the meeting and draft meeting minutes be published to the Council's website and noticeboard afterwards.
There is no fixed schedule of meetings, they will be held when necessary to meet the deadline for submission of comments set by Warwick District Council.
Archived Planning Minutes, Agendas and Documents from previous years | 2024 |
The Parish Plan Steering Group came together in 2012 to establish an action plan for Burton Green.
The Steering Group worked with residents to gain an insight into how they would like to see their parish develop, with or without HS2, over the next 10 years. Initially the group held a public meeting setting the scene and canvassing ideas. Residents’ extremely valuable comments informed a questionnaire which was delivered to all adults in 387 Burton Green households. We received an exceptionally high response with 374 questionnaires being returned, which were then sent to Warwickshire Rural Community Council for collation.
The views of our children and young people were canvassed through workshops at Burton Green and Heart of England Schools.
This document gives an overview of the questionnaire responses and the corresponding action plans developed. The aim of this document is to provide a resource to share the views of Burton Green residents and put in place plans that will enhance the Parish.