Residents of Burton Green should be aware that their polling station for the local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023 is now:
Burton Green Village Hall, Red Lane, Burton Green, CV8 1PF Poll cards have been issued showing the old village hall address at Hodgetts Lane. Residents should discard this poll card, and a new one will be posted next week. You can check where your polling station is at For further information contact our Elections team by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01926 456105. Warwick District Council have published the Notice of Election for Burton Green Parish Council. For more details click here.
Warwick District Council is urging households and individuals who didn’t qualify for the Government’s £400 energy rebate in autumn 2022, to see if they can apply for funding under two new ‘alternative’ schemes.
The Government has launched two new schemes to support residents who didn’t qualify for the £400 rebate in Autumn 2022:
Or you can apply for either fund via a contact centre by calling 0808 175 3287 where a representative will guide you through the application process Once you have applied, your application will be processed and verified. After this if your application is successful, your details will be shared with your local authority, who will deliver the one-off, nonrepayable support. The payment will be made directly into your bank account in a single instalment. Applications are now open for a new form of free ID that can be used at elections. Ahead of a new voter ID requirement, the UK Government has opened an online portal for the ID, known as the Voter Authority Certificate, for voters that do not already have an accepted form of photo ID.
Applications can be submitted through the online portal at or by submitting a paper form to the Warwick District Council Election Team at [email protected]. Those that have an accepted form of ID already do not need to apply. Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA driver’s licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo. The full list of accepted ID is available on the Electoral Commission’s website, along with more information about the new requirement and details of how to apply for the free ID, at With local elections taking place in Warwick District on 4 May, voters will need to show ID at the polling station to receive a ballot paper. For those that do not have an accepted form of ID, the deadline to apply for free ID before the May elections is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April. Applicants must be registered to vote and will need to provide their date of birth, National Insurance number, and a photograph with their application. |
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