HS2 are now ready to carry out the removal of the old village hall on Hodgetts Lane. These works will be carried out from 27 November to 15 December 2023 and working hours will be from 08.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. The workforce may be on site one hour before and one hour after, to set up and secure equipment.
If you have any questions or would like further information about these works, please contact the HS2 Helpdesk, www.hs2.org.uk/contact-us/ or HS2s Community Engagement Officer on 07743984125| If you love reading but are unable to get to a library then Warwickshire Libraries' Home Delivery volunteers can deliver books directly to your door. This service is free. Once you have told the team what you like to read the staff will make up a collection of books for you - the Home Delivery volunteers will visit you once every four weeks to deliver the books and collect any books you have borrowed.
To find out more contact the Home Delivery and Mobile Library Service on 01926 851031 or online at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ homelibraryservice or email [email protected] Your library card also gives access to free Ebooks, EAudio, ENewspapers and EMagazines and much more all from the comfort of your home, go to www.warwickshire.gov.uk/libraries for more information. A major new survey has been launched by Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe to understand people’s priorities for policing and community safety in the year ahead and how these should be funded. The ‘Your Police, Your Views’ survey forms an important part of the budget setting process for Warwickshire Police, with the responses gathered helping to inform the decision on any changes that may be made to the police element of Council Tax.
The Commissioner wants to understand people’s personal experience of crime and anti-social behaviour and how police are performing in the county. What is going well, what needs to be improved and how should the police prioritise what they do to make sure it matches what local people feel is important? These are the key questions that help shape how a future budget can be structured, alongside what level of funding might be needed to achieve it. The ‘Your Police, Your Views’ survey runs until Friday, 22 December and can be found online at www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/yourviews/. Paper copies are also available on request by contacting the Commissioner’s offices in Warwick on 01926 733523 or writing to: Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 3 Northgate Street, Warwick, CV34 4SP. |
AuthorYou will find latest news updates from Burton Green Parish Council on this page.. Archives
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